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Welcome to your member portal. From here, you can manage your membership, add your own events and news and submit artworks to the MSWPS annual exhibition.


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Frequently asked questions

  • Taking a great photograph of your artwork significantly increases your chances of selling it. Here are some tips on how to take a great photograph.

    Lighting your photos

    • The best way to achieve a well-lit photo is to make sure it’s not directly reflecting any light.

    • If you can take a photo of your painting before you frame it, you’ll achieve a better result.

    • Placing your photo in an even shade of light or by a window creating a soft light, will give you the best results.

    • Stand your artwork against a flat wall, easel or lay it on the floor. The flatter the art, the better the photograph.

    • Make sure the image is in focus! Photo blur is a big no-no.

    • It’s best to photograph your artwork against a white or neutral backdrop. Coloured backgrounds can affect the way your art appears in the photograph.

    These Youtube videos offer tips on taking photos with your phone and a digital camera.

  • Format: jpg, jpeg, gif or png
    Image size: At least 1500px wide and 1500px high
    File size: Not exceeding 2MB
    Resolution: At least 72dpi
    Naming: Surname-FirstName-ImageTitle (e.g. Coutts-Becky-Sunset-Reflections-at-Jindabyne.jpg)

  • Rename an item on a Mac

    1. On your Mac, select the item, then press Return. Or force click the item’s name.

    2. Enter a new name.
      You can use numbers and most symbols. You can’t include a colon (:) or start the name with a full stop (.). Some apps may not allow you to use a slash (/) in a filename.

    3. Press Return.

    Rename an image on a PC

    1. Select a photo in your photo folder.

    2. Click any thumbnail or image from the list.

    3. Right-click the first photo, and select Rename from the drop-down menu.

    4. Type the new name for the file in the text box.

    5. Click outside the text box (or press the Enter key) to lock in your change.

    6. Just that simple, your photo has a new name.

  • Resize, rotate or flip an image in Preview

    Open Preview. You can resize or rotate an image opened in Preview to fit into a particular spot. You can also reduce the file size to save disk space or download an image more quickly.

    Change an image’s dimensions

    1. In the Preview app on your Mac, if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing, click the Show Markup Toolbar button , then click the Adjust Size button .

    2. Enter new values for width and height, or click the “Fit into” pop-up menu and choose a size.

      • Resize the image by a percentage: Choose “per cent” from the pop-up menu next to the Width and Height fields, then enter the percentage in those fields.

      • Force the image to keep its original proportions: Select “Scale proportionally”. If you change either the width or height, the other value changes to maintain the proportions. If you choose a size from the “Fit into” pop-up menu, the image’s width or height may be smaller than the chosen size to maintain the proportions.

      • Make the image’s dimensions smaller without losing any detail: Unselect “Resample image” before changing the width or height.

    Tip: To resize multiple images at the same time, display the images in the same window, select them in that window’s sidebar, then choose Tools > Adjust Size.

    Rotate or flip an image

    1. In the Preview app on your Mac, open the file you want to change.

    2. Do any of the following:

      • Rotate an image: Select the image, then click (or use the Touch Bar) to rotate the image to the left. Continue clicking to keep rotating.

    To rotate the image to the right, press and hold the Option key, then click until you’re done rotating the image.

      • Flip an image: Choose Tools > Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical.

    Tip: To rotate or flip multiple images at the same time, display the images in the same window, choose View > Thumbnails, select them in that window’s sidebar, then choose Tools > [Rotate or Flip].

    Reduce an image’s file size

    1. In the Preview app on your Mac, open the file you want to change.

    2. Choose Tools > Adjust Size, then select “Resample image.”

    3. Enter a smaller value in the Resolution field.

    The new size is shown at the bottom.

    Tip: To reduce the file size of multiple images at the same time, display the images in the same window, select them in that window’s sidebar, then choose Tools > Adjust Size.

  • In your submission, you'll be asked to write about the inspiration for the artwork, any background to the production of the work or technique.

    Please mention if the artwork is framed, what the framed size is, how it is frame and what environment it will suit.

    Be sure to keep your description under 250 words.


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