2019 AGM Guest Speaker: Dinny Birrell

Guest Speaker :  Dinny Birrell:

We were privileged to have Dinny Birrell talk about her life as an artist.

She started by telling of her artistic heritage, coming from a family, generations deep in artists, art heritage and links to the art world.  She spoke of  her mother wishing to have the opportunity to study at the NGV school and not being able to and studying instead at RMIT.   Dinny was therefore enrolled at the NGV life drawing despite really wishing to study at RMIT.  She however went much  later to complete this aim.   Also completing a three year Fellowship at Melbourne University in Fine art.

She has had a varied career –  teaching at  Prahran Institute of Technical, artist  at the Science Faculty of Monash University, worked for a publisher in London, as restaurant manager, and medical artist at Monash as well as  drawing groups and establishing her portrait artist practice at home.

She described her life as a lucky one,  always being Lucky. However, maybe some things were happenstance to begin, like being commissioned to paint portraits of some of the Deans at Monash but no amount of luck works unless you have  the skills and ability to carry out the challenges presented.

The examples she brought to show us, revealed an incredible depth of drawing skill, a keen  creative mind, delightful sense of humour which was blended with the rare talent that combined all of the  above into a dynamic visual product that clearly communicated with the viewer.  An attention to detail and quest for perfection was evident in all her pieces.

All members enjoyed this brief glimpse into a rich, diverse and successful artistic life.  I personally couldn’t think of anyone who was more deserving of all the ‘luck’ that came her way. Thank you Dinny Birrell for sharing your story.

Warm Regards Carmel


Featured artist - Sue Jarvis
