A Note from Jo Reitze

Much has happened since the November Bulletin. I have been lax in my duty to keep you updated between Bulletins. Annoyingly one finished version disappeared just when I was about to send. I had received the message that  a folder was open so  I was unable  to send immediately. I copied my text to paste but cleverly managed to copy MSWPS group mail into the BCC before I pasted so lost all my typing.. So here we go again!

Thanks to Sue Jarvis for a beautiful day in her magnificent Gembrook garden. Sue showed us her huge body of wonderful works in her Gallery too and on the walls of a nearby restaurant.  All who attended greatly appreciated Sue’s hospitality and that of the restaurant.

MSWPS Christmas Lunch

This was the usual joyous occasion. Thanks to Carmel O’Connor and the Committee for setting up and decorating the table and room. Carmel also entertained us by reciting a poem before we feasted on the delicious treats members had brought. 

Constance Wu Award  

Susan Sambell was announced as the  worthy winner of the 2018 Constance Wu Award. Sue had also received The 2018 Annie Davison Oliver Award for this painting, ‘Timeless Land’ in mixed media. Most of us agreed with the judge, Jock Clutterbuck.  Well done Sue!

Carolyn Yong presented the award. Carolyn has for the past seven years generously donated this award in memory of her mother, Constance Wu.  Carolyn gave us a moving account of how prayer and a Bulletin article had directed her to make this gift to the society. Her generosity has been greatly appreciated by members.  Sue Jarvis, a joint, recipient of the award in 2017, spoke on behalf of members and in particular recipients and presented Carolyn with a little painting. Other recipients also gave her personal gifts.  This is the last year of this award and we thank Carolyn for this wonderful support and for sharing her Faith.

Recipients of the Constance Wu Award:

2017    Liz Moore Golding and Sue Jarvis

2016    Roz McQuillan

2015    Vicki Sullivan

2014    Marg Gurney

2013    Anne Finkelde

2012    Heather Ellis

Thanks to Jan Martin for Images from the 2018 Presentation

Linda McEwan thanks all members who have paid their 2019 fees. This will make a good start to the year. Details are in the last Bulletin if you are yet to pay.

Jocelyn Bell asked me to tell you that Life Drawing resumes on 7 February. We thank Joce for arranging these sessions and her dedication to the cause.  Thanks also to the participants who grace the display boards of Ola Cohn with their beautiful drawings.

Congratulations to:

Marion Chapman who was selected in Collins Place Gallery Summer Salon.  This exhibition shows many well known contemporary artists working in a variety of styles and media and is beautifully presented.  The exhibition runs until 31 January. If you are in the City have a look!

Annee Kelly whose small watercolour entitled “Overlooking Ricketts Point 1” was awarded “Winner 2018 Open Award for Watercolours” at the Beaumaris Art Group’s Annual Exhibition, judged by Herman Pekel. Annee also has an article in the December issue of The Australian Artist magazine.

Vicki Sullivan whose painting Bliss has been on exhibition in RDJ Gallery in Bridgehampton, New York for Women painting Women, Men painting Men. Her charcoal portrait drawing of Wild Thing has been published in Poets Artists 100th issue.

Regards Jo


2018 MSWPS Christmas Luncheon


Note from Annee Kelly