Changing Perspectives: 110th Annual Exhibition Opening

Image Gallery for Opening of the 110th MSWPS Annual Exhibition on Sunday 6th October at Victoria Artists Society Galleries.

Extract from Introduction:

Master of Ceremonies    –     Carmel O’Connor President MSWPS 2018/19

On behalf of the M.S.W.P.S. I acknowledge the Wurundjeri People, first people of this land.

  • Welcome to our Judge and Opening Guest Speaker Lesley Harding, Artistic Director of the locally and internationally renowned Heide Museum of Modern Art.

On behalf of the society I wish to thank the Victorian Artists’ Society Management Board and Staff for making available this beautiful building including the balcony for our use and your full enjoyment.

Thank you Musicians Helen Mountfort on cello and Andrea Keeble – violin.

Barman – Sculptor Jonathan Lawrence and the MSWPS Committee for all their diligent voluntary service to benefit all our members and guests.

WELCOME AND THANK YOU for attending the Opening of our 110th Annual Exhibition.

Thank you most dearly for your support of the MSWPS members and their art works developed over many hours to present a personal aesthetic expression.

To view recipients artworks go to MEET THE ARTISTS – AWARD WINNERS ( select in the drop down menu)

Photos by: Susan Sambell and Jan Martin


High Tea with Lecture - The Women of Heide


Annie Davison Oliver Award - 110th Annual Exhibition