Changing Perspectives 2019

The 110th Annual Exhibition at Victorian Artists Society Galleries Officially opened on Sunday 6th October. Images included show Installation Day.

Below is a copy of Carmel O’Connor’s introduction speech and acknowledgements.

Master of Ceremonies    –     Carmel O’Connor President MSWPS 2018/19

On behalf of the M.S.W.P.S. I acknowledge the Wurundjeri People, first people of this land.

  • Welcome to our Judge and Opening Guest Speaker Lesley Harding, Artistic Director of the locally and internationally renowned Heide Museum of Modern Art.

On behalf of the society I wish to thank the Victorian Artists’ Society Management Board and Staff for making available this beautiful building including the balcony for our use and your full enjoyment.

Thank you Musicians Helen Mountfort on cello and Andrea Keeble – violin.

Barman – Sculptor Jonathan Lawrence and the MSWPS Committee for all their diligent voluntary service to benefit all our members and guests.

WELCOME AND THANK YOU for attending the Opening of our 110th Annual Exhibition.

Thank you most dearly for your support of the MSWPS members and their art works developed over many hours to present a personal aesthetic expression.

Our theme – CHANGING  PERSPECTIVES refers to the evolution of our societies charter over several years. CHANGING PERSPECTIVES refers to the ability of our membership base to be inclusive of all professional women painters and sculptors without discrimination of personal objectives whilst embracing the disciplines of Painting and Sculpture. In other words; we encourage our members to be themselves.

Members – Paintings and Sculptures are displayed in the three galleries on the first floor.

Members – Drawings are exhibited in the Cato Gallery on the ground floor.

All details are in the 2019 MSWPS Catalogue. We welcome new members – please contact us through our website. Members please place your voting docket in the box provided.

After the opening please take more time to look closely at each work.  Each work has taken many hours to produce, What does each work say to you? ……estimate it’s future value as an asset of your own art collection. We are making Australian Art history.

SALES please see Linda McEwan, our Treasurer or any of our members will direct you to the sales desk.

Now allow me to introduce our Judge and Opening Guest speaker more fully.

Lesley Haring. One of Australia’s famous humanists in the making.

Lesley Harding – The Artistic Director of Heidi Museum of Modern Art.

Lesley has written several books on Australian Art and social history titles including:-

Cubism & Australian Art with Sue Cramer.

Margaret Preston: Recipes for Food and Art.

Art related Books with Co-Writer Kendrah Morgan:-

Sunday’s Kitchen:Food and Living at Heidi,

Sunday’s Garden: Growing Heidi,

Modern Love: The Lives of John and Sunday Reed,

and  Mirka & Georges. published in 2018.

Both Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan are our Guest Speakers on Thursday 10 October at our MSWPS most popular event which includes a delicious High Tea. The Lecture is Titled ‘The Women Of Heidi’

We are extremely grateful to Lesley Harding for Judged and Opening the MSWPS 2019 Annual Exhibition.

Lesley Harding will announce the Winner of the Annie Davison Oliver Award plus five Highly Commended certificates on Sunday 6 October 2019

Thank you


The Bulletin - Sep/Oct 2019


Changing Perspectives 2019