Changing Perspectives - Opening Sunday 7th October

The Opening of the 109th Annual MSWPS Exhibition on Sunday 7th October was  certainly a Grand Affair.

President Carmel O’Connor, her first Major Official Event for MSWPS presented the audience with acknowledgement of the Wurundjeri People, details of the Prizes to be Awarded, many thank yous and introduction of the Judge for 2018, Jock Clutterbuck.

A summary or Carmel O’Connor’s  introduction and thank you:

  1. On behalf of the M.S.W.P.S. we wish to acknowledge the Wurundjeri People with respect and continuing spiritual connection ALSO to All Women of Good Will who have gone before us at the Ola Cohn Centre and here today.

  2. Thank you for attending the Opening of our 109th Annual Exhibition. It is a beautiful venue and our members are proud to be exhibiting here. You may like to visit our website to read more about the history of our society. I wish to thank our experienced committee for their tireless efforts in all aspects of presenting this exhibition. Thank you to our Pianist – Paul Spurling for his delightful, scintillating music. Thank you to Artist – Jonathan Lawrence for manning the bar. Thank you to the management and staff of the Victorian Artists’ Society for all their help.

  3. Jock Clutterbuck a very well known and highly regarded Australian Sculptor and Printmaker our Judge; who shall announce the winners of  the commemorative Annie Davison Oliver Award and the Danks Trust Award for excellence in art by one of our women artists. Jock has also chosen Highly Commended Certificates to be given to six of our members for particular works in the show.

  4. May I remind our members to place their ‘vote’ in the box provided at the SALES DESK for the Constance Wu Art Prize, a peer evaluation award announced at out Christmas Luncheon.

  5. SALES are managed by – Linda McEwan our Treasurer who is waiting at the sales desk as is Joan Richard with red stickers.

  6. Please stay and enjoy the company of Jock Clutterbuck and our artists who are wearing name tags for your information.

Thank you.

Jock Clutterbuck’s judging

Highly commended

Vicki Sullivan no. 106 Light-horse Wales and Kangaroo Feathers.

Sue Jarvis no. 41 Line Dance Luna New Year

Jo Reitze no. 99 Front Garden Autumn 

Robyn Pridham no. 97 Scrubby Series No.2

Carmel O’Connor no. 82 Darlington Puppeteers

Gillian Lodge no. 53 St. Modomnoc’s Bellarine Bees

Opening Function Photography by Georgina O’Connor



Changing Perspectives 109th MSWPS Annual Exhibition


VOTE for the Constance Wu Art Prize