Featured Artist - Erica Wagner

Lake Dobson – Erica Wagner is the featured artwork on the Website Homepage and Facebook. Selected for a Highly Commended at the 111th MSWPS Annual Exhibition.

Judge Amanda Hyatt commented:

Quite a dynamic tonal abstract-like painting with a reduced and muted colour palette using its contrast of tones to attract the viewer. These must operate in the right places within a painting and the bilateral composition uses contrasting tree trunks to join, meld and link the otherwise uniform background together. There is just enough/the right amount of lighter colour and tone in both the water and sky to give a sense of light. Again this is a memorable painting because of its initial impact and the ability to hold the viewers attention. It’s a painting that, over its lifetime, will always draw the viewer in.


The Spring Bulletin - Sep/Oct 2021


Gagliardi Gallery Award for Steffie Wallace