Introduction to MSWPS Website

At the General Meeting on 10th May 2018 Denise Keele-bedford presented and Introduction to MSWPS Website.

Highlights of the introduction are in the May 2018 Bulletin.

Past President Joan Richard presented Denise with a copy of ‘More Than Just Gumtrees’ by Juliette Peers.

‘More Than Just Gumtrees’ is a publication about the History of the Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.

Dr. Juliette Peers is Postgraduate Supervisor and Senior Researcher in Textile Design at RMIT.

Juliette’s interests span both classical art history (covering design and applied art as well) and contemporary art/design Widely published as a classical art historian in Australia, as well as British and North American publications including Pre-Raphaelite Sculpture and the Dictionary of Women Artists, also published many essays relating to contemporary art and feminist studies in Australia. Specialist areas of interest include women’s history, fashion, dolls, women artists, nineteenth century sculpture.


Ballarat Train Trip


President’s Report - 3 May 2018, Carmel O'Connor