MSWPS Members Winner and Finalists VAS AOTY

 It was fantastic to see MSWPS so well represented with five finalists in the 2021 VAS Mavis Little Artist of the Year Exhibition at the Victorian Artists Society. Open till November 29, the exhibition is diverse and striking and rewards close inspection. Each artist has chosen three works to represent their year’s work, and the galleries buzz with energy, reflecting the intense focus resulting from our restricted lives and extended lockdowns.

Congratulations to Gwendoline Krummins for winning Artist of the Year with her lusciously painted and beautifully observed works, ‘Florescence’, ‘The Home Stretch’ and ‘Rubescence’. There is a meditative quality and rich emotional range in these arresting paintings, which evoke for me an exploration of the meaning of time itself. Bravo, Gwen!

Lockdown has challenged many of us to delve deeply into what sustains us as artists and to try new approaches, deepen our focus and experiment with subject matter and techniques.

The work of MSWPS finalists Louise Foletta, Anne Melloy, Vivi Palegeorge reflect this spirit of discovery as well as their individual passions and superb skills, with paintings exploring the natural world and our relationship to it. Congratulations to Anne Melloy and Elizabeth Moore Golding for being presented with their Signatory Member award on the night. On my own behalf it gave me a real lift to be part of this dynamic exhibition. Do get along to see it if you can!

Erica Wagner, 21 Nov 2021

Editor apologies that Anne Melloy artworks under glass, could not capture a detail image due to reflections.


Women’s Art Register Bulletin Issue #69


ASV Newsletter - Oct/Nov 2021