MSWPS Subscription Renewal

Dear MSWPS member,
Your 2018 subscription is now due. Membership Subscriptions are due on 31st December each year.
Full Members 2018 ………………… $60
Associate Members 2018 …………….. $40
Honorary and Life Members please disregard this notice ☺
We thank you in advance for your prompt payment. This assists us to begin the year early, to get
our books in order and prepare for our events. MSWPS Committee
PAYMENT – either by EFT or Cheque
Cut here and return _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Name _____________________________________ Home Phone _______________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________ Mobile ____________________________________
I enclose a cheque for Full Member $60 / Associate Member $40 (please circle)
NB. Membership can also be paid at the Christmas Luncheon
EFT payment
On request from our members we offer an EFT payment option.
ACCOUNT NAME: Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors
BSB: 033 058
Acct no: 123346
1) Please write your name in the EFT description box or we do not know who sent to money.
2) Email our MSWPS Subscription officer so you can be posted your MSWPS membership card
Cheque payment
Please make a cheque payable to ‘Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors’.
MSWPS Subscription


A Note From Jo


Dates For Your Diary