Train Trip to Ballarat 24 May or we could do it on another day if you wish. Please let me know if you have a preference for another day ie 23 or 25 May

May has five Thursdays and it is our custom to do an additional activity when this occurs.  I have received many excellent reports on The Von Guerard Exhibition at Ballarat. There is not time to organize a bus trip but we could catch a train as the Gallery is only a block away from the Station. In keeping with our swapping of weeks we would go on 24 May as this exhibition concludes on 27 May. Please RSVP to me if interested? This could be a chance for some of us to use Senior’s Vouchers. The train departs from Southern Cross at 9.16 am arriving at 10.39am.  It depart Ballarat 3.16pm Arriving Southern Cross 4.40pm. If you would prefer to go on another day other than Thursday please let me know ASAP? (Since starting to organize this I have been asked to take a class at the Vics on Thursday mornings. I may either take my class along or arrange for someone to take my class for this one session. However, if another day suited you better or aswell ie. 23 or 25 May it would save me hassles in juggling things.)

Congratulations to Kate Herd

Kate Herd’s and Jela Ivankovic-Waters’ book Native Art and Design with Australian Plants was awarded the Indie Book Illustrated Non fiction Award 2018 and is now also shortlisted for the ABIA Illustrated book of the year! Well done Kate! We are fortunate that Kate gives us the opportunity to work in her magnificent garden each year on Oak’s Day.

We wish Beatrice Magalotti and Suzanne Kaldor best wishes for their upcoming shows. They would appreciate your support. (Invitations attached)

We also wish Beatrice Magalotti all the best for her exciting Art Residence in Iceland and Erica Wagner for her workshops.


Exhibition Review: MSWPS - Group Exhibition at La Trobe's Cottage, South Yarra.2018
