Pamela Irving - The Romans Never conquered Australia


Pamela Irving – Précis of the meeting by Carmel O’Connor

The Romans never conquered Australia. A comment made by Pamela to describe the hiatus in Australian art. A power point presentation of her original mosaics, paintings and sculpture works spanning over thirty five years was a totally enthralling glimpse into her commitment to Australian Culture.

Members: Jan Martin, Dr. Juliette Peer & Guest Kate Edwards, Jo Reitze, Tessa Wallis, Michelle Endersby, Celia Beeton, Marion Chapman, Robyn Pridham, Helen Gray, Rachel Jessie Rae O’Connor, Silvia Issacs, Joan Richard, Louise Foletta and her Granddaughters Charlotte and Josephine, Carmel O’Connor, Sue Jarvis and Suzanne Kaldor all enjoyed a wonderful afternoon.

The most outstanding feature of Pamela’s talk about her work was that she captured our imagination and took us all on her journey. The audience could relate to each facet of her career which was presented mainly in chronological order. Pamela’s generosity to share her childhood, formative years experiences and her gratitude and love for her grandmother with us was moving.

Please visit our website to see Pamela’s Profile Page and her website link to her Gallery and Studio.

Members attending Pamela Irving’s presentation.


Exhibition and presentation


Ola Cohn 1892-1964 - At the Cutting Edge