President Thank you - Annual Exhibition and Lecture

Dear Members,

Thank you for a well considered selection of works to hang in our 2019 Annual Exhibition.

The exhibition operation ran very smoothly – Thank you all.

The exhibition was a success with over 200 people to the Opening and 60 people to the Lecture.

As you are all aware the committee works voluntarily for all of us.

Committee Executive:

President-Carmel O’Connor(2015), Vice President-Louise Foletta(1993),

Treasurer-Linda McEwan(2012), Secretary-Tessa Wallis(2018),

Committee Members: Jo Reitze(2008), Joan Richard(1989), Michelle Endersby(2013),

Anne Finkelde(2006) and Marion Chapman(2008)

Committee Adjunct:- – Robyn Pridham(1999)-ARCHIVIST, Jocelyn Bell(2003)-LIFE DRAWING,

Denise Keele-bedford(2006)-WEB ADMIN and Dr Juliette Peers(1993)-ART HISTORIAN all contribute to the society.

MEMBERSHIP is around 110 women including 12 Associate Members. The Full Membership Painters and Sculptors are the strongest group in the society.

Thank you all for your strength and resilience both in your art work and life.

Carmel O’Connor MSWPS President


2019 Annual Bus Trip


North Bellarine Arts Trail