President's Message

Hello members of MSWPS, I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I have adjusted to this quiet life too well, I know I will struggle to go back to a busier existence.

On a personal note, when we get together again you may notice a difference in my appearance, I have taken this time to transition to grey. Very different, but I am quite liking it. Much easier to maintain.

I would love to hear what changes you may have made in your life or the interests you have been pursuing. Send me an email. Photos would also be great.

With the restrictions starting to ease we are attempting to plan for later in the year. The winter luncheon was to be held on the 2nd July. We have decided to move it to Thursday 6th. August. All going well the restrictions will be eased enough for us to gather at Gipps Street. We will keep you informed with the details or any changes that may occur.

The annual exhibition is still on track. Vic Arts should be well and truly up and running by October. Hopefully we will be able to have an official opening albeit with restricted numbers. l believe that we will still need to be very cautious for a long time.

Looking forward to hearing from you and catching up in August. Keep working on your masterpieces for the exhibition.

Linda McEwan President


Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June
