President’s Report March 2025
PRESIDENT’S REPORT March 2025 Denise Keele-bedford
As this is my first report for 2025, I would like to acknowledge and thank all MSWPS Members for their confidence and support in entrusting me with this esteemed role.
However, I see myself more as a convenor of a team rather than a ruler of the society.
Please know that I am always approachable, with a listening ear, and open to all suggestions submitted to the society’s committee.
In appreciation of Tessa Wallis and her dedication over the past two years in this role, she is taking a well-earned break while intending to continue as a general committee member.
At this stage, your committee consists of:
President: Denise Keele-bedford
Treasurer: Linda McEwan
Secretary: Beatrice Magalotti
Membership Secretary: Beatrice Magalotti
Nominations and accepted members on the committee, with roles to be allocated:
Tori Duggan, Marion Chapman, Louise Foletta, Leigh Rees,
Jude Marganis, Jo Reitze, Eileen Mackley AM, Anne Finkelde, Tessa Wallis
I particularly look forward to working with this team and forming subcommittees to coordinate activities related to areas of MSWPS administration that they are passionate about.
Our society is rich with talented women who are deeply committed to their artistic disciplines. Many also possess valuable skills in various aspects of the art industry. Whether your strengths lie in writing, curatorship, organization, coordination, editing, digital tools, design, workshop presentations, demonstrations, or other areas, we encourage you to share these abilities. By tapping into our collective expertise, we can enhance and expand what our society offers.
Beyond the Committee, key roles include:
Instagram: Lucy Fekete
Archives: Robyn Pridham
Life Drawing: Tricia Hunt and Sylvia Isaac
During general business at the AGM on March 6, it was a pleasure to wish all present a happy International Women’s Day—albeit two days early! I hope you all spent the day as you wished.
Members in attendance shared insights and aspirations for the society’s future. These ideas are always valuable, helping us consider feasible projects that will keep MSWPS vibrant, engaging, and attractive to both current and future members.
As the Women’s Art Register celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, MSWPS will coordinate activities in collaboration with the group.
Looking ahead, 2025 marks the 120th anniversary of the first MSWPS members’ exhibition. Additionally, in 2027, we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the society’s formation.
Wishing all March born Members Happy Birthdays.