ASV Newsletter - May/Jun 2021

Sculpere Newsletter for May and June 2021 has now been issued. You can read this newsletter online at or download it in printable PDF format from the link at the foot of this email.

In this edition you will find:

The Annual & Awards Exhibition and our Future Program

Members’ Meetings

Art on the Hill

Plinths for Sculpture

Stanisłav Szukalski

Meridian Sculpture Foundry

Gordon Smethurst Robertson

Members’ Exhibitions and News

Welcome to New and Returning Members

Exhibitions of Interest

if you wish to contribute ideas or information or questions to the next issue of Sculpere newsletter you may like to use this form: either to submit an item or as a checklist of information to include – in particular please note any copyright acknowledgements.

In the mean time – happy reading and happy sculpting – ASV Newsletter team

ASV Newsletter - May/June 2021

Image credit:


Winter Luncheon 2021


The Winter Bulletin - Jul/Aug 2021