Succulents in Situ

You are invited to view and celebrate paintings and drawings of gardens and succulent plants by Jo Reitze.

Kinross Arts Centre
Sunday 4th March 3 – 5pm

Details on the invite.

E Invite to Succulents in Situ paintings and drawings by Jo Reitze

Artist’s statement:

Last year I spent much time painting and drawing succulents in our gardens in Surrey Hills and Ocean Grove as well as painting at Guilfoyle’s Volcano at the Royal Botanic Gardens with Melbourne Society of Women Painter & Sculptors. Succulents in our gardens, especially at the beach thrive with little attention. I propagate them by breaking off bits so I have them scattered throughout the garden. Only in some pots do I have succulents on their own so most paintings include other plants as well.

With pleasing alliteration, ‘Succulents in Situ’ encompasses all these works including garden paintings with just one or two succulents and small studies of succulents in pots.  The exhibition title also references my approach of working on location, ‘en plein air’, inspired by visual reality.

Most works are painted in gouache, opaque watercolour which I prefer for smaller works. There are also some larger gouache paintings, a couple of large oils 122 x91.5cms and several black and white drawings in permanent markers in a range of sizes. Most works in all media are presented in pairs or in groups of three or four to unify the exhibition. These expressive, joyous works are freely executed with lyrical mark-making, diverse patterns, strong tonal contrasts and/or vibrant colours to capture the essence of the subjects and celebrate nature.                    

Jo Reitze
108 Broughton Road
Surrey Hills 3127

Phone: 9808 2611
Mobile: 043 808 2612



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