Sue Jarvis News

Enter the Athletes – Olympic Games Opening Ceremony 2021
Oil on canvas, 91 x 122 cm
Sue Jarvis, 2021

Selected as a finalist at the Bendigo Gallery’s Arthur Guy Biennial for contemporary art.

Exhibition Dates:
13th November 2021 – 20th February 2022

Artist Statement:

We, globally, were spectators of a theatre devoid of a live audience.

The Japanese hosts provided a riveting parade of actors, musicians, clowns, and athletes. Pastel shades were broken by strong shadows and harlequin patterns. These positive/negative images and contrasts brought to mind patterned fabric.

There was no regimented march of athletes, but rather spontaneity, enjoyment, and selfies. White masks were barely visible in the blur of white-clad athletes gliding past.

I was drawn to creativity from this unique contemporary event.


Awards for the 112th Annual Exhibition Changing Perspectives


112th Annual Exhibition - Changing Perspectives