Training - Social Media

Wed 24 Aug, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Zoom

You might be interested in this learning experience. Presenting an up skill opportunity re Social Media. In this fast paced world we need to select our
learning opportunities wisely. This came to our ASV via email. A webinar on Social media for small and medium organisations.

We all know that social media is a key way that people connect with organisations. So, if we have an intention of growing our community and creating a greater impact, then this professional development session may enhance the use of social media to develop our audience.

This session will cover:

  • How to best use a variety of social media channels

  • Types of content you can produce

  • Failsafe ways to gather engagement on your channels

  • Ways to evaluate your channels

The webinar is presented by Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria) formerly Museums Australia (Victoria). Their services include professional development opportunities for staff, volunteers, independent contractors, and others who are interested in
museums and galleries.

Our Vision statement: A dynamic Victorian museum and gallery sector embedded in the community.

The webinar is presented by Australian Museums and Galleries Association:

$25 members | $40 non-members


ASV Newsletter - July 2022


Featured Artist - Margaret McLoughlin