111th Annual Exhibition - Changing Perspectives.

Changing Perspectives 2020 is the Melbourne Society of Women Painters & Sculptors (MSWPS) 111th Annual Exhibition and its first Online Virtual Exhibition.

2020 has been a remarkably different year for our society. The Annual General Meeting in March was the only opportunity for members to meet before the pandemic lockdown. This meeting took place at The Ola Cohn Centre, the former home and studio of the sculptor Ola Cohn, now MSWPS regular meeting place. Ola Cohn was President of the Society for fifteen years until her death in 1964. On Thursdays, Life Drawing and other activities are usually held at the Centre, but all has been quiet this year with no art gallery or studio visits, paint outs, artist’s talks, workshops, bus or train trips. Yet despite COVID 19 restrictions, the society has provided camaraderie and support to members as in the past.

Although not being able to meet in person, General Meetings and Committee Meetings via Zoom have become the norm. They have kept us in touch and informed, as have the comprehensive e-Bulletins. Many members have used this time of fewer interruptions in creative productivity. Works created before our world changed last year will be shown online as well as the diverse isolation works.

MSWPS also pays tribute to three recently deceased members; Mariette Perrinjaquet, Valda Cuming OAM, and Maureen Slatter. Each made significant contributions to the Society.

view the exhibition at: https://mswps.com.au/changing-perspectives-2020

Download and Print Exhibition catalogue:



Tribute: Mariette Perrinjacquet


AVS Newsletter - August 2020