Changing Perspectives Inaugural MSWPS Sculpture Award Winner

2020 Judge: Amanda Hyatt selected No. 43 Stormy Passage by Beatrice Magalotti as recipient of the MSWPS Sculpture Award Winner.

Stormy Passage is currently the Featured Artwork on the MSWPS website.

Judge’s Comment:

This section was difficult because as a sculptor myself, one who builds rather than cuts away, I understand the complexities of such work. The bronze ‘boat’ is a compilation of, please pardon my puns, what looks like a cut in half squashed up leather football stuffed with paper and tied up with barbed wire but the magic happens when the entire thing is bronzed. And suddenly it is beautiful. The artist consequently has to have a preemptive vision of what they want the final result to look like and this sculpture works well as it has a statement value of mystery, a bit of trauma and intrigue. Plus working with barbed wire is no mean feat!

Well done.


Sculpture at Acheron - Submissions Now Open


The Summer Bulletin - 2020/21