Featured Artist - Eva Miller

Composition in blue, green and yellow – Eva Miller. From 5 July is the featured artwork on the Website Homepage and Facebook. Selected for a Highly Commended at the 111th MSWPS Annual Exhibition. Judge Amanda Hyatt commented: As a piece of pure colourist abstract art the artist has used colour as the main raison d’être for this work. One’s imagination is played upon slightly when trying to decide about the man and horse towards the centre of the painting. Is it or isn’t it? Abstract art still has to balance to be successful and the artist has pulled this off well. There’s an old saying in art that ‘tone does all the work but colour gets all the glory’. A painting will work on either platforms. This painting works on the ‘colourist’ platform.


The Winter Bulletin - Jul/Aug 2021


Beatrice Magalotti Migration Series REVIEW