Beatrice Magalotti Migration Series REVIEW

Inspired by her 2019 Denmark residency and migrant parents, the artworks in Beatrice’s latest exhibition at Red Gallery in Fitzroy convey an intimate investigation into both the strength and fragility around humans and their search for connection. Be this an urgency for security, the pursuit of improved life-style, or the need for interaction with others, I found within her current body of artworks a deep consideration of the history of migration and symbols of profound meaning.

From fragile paper boats, harnessed by string, that reminded me of precariously unsafe vessels on a vast ocean; to seeing and sensing the weightiness of bronze, that conveyed strength and security, the form of the elongated vessels lends itself to harbouring and supporting precious cargo.

Congratulations Beatrice on a most provocative exhibition.

Join MSWPS Members for a presentation by Beatrice at the next Members Meeting – 3 June at 1pm, Ola Cohn Centre.


Featured Artist - Eva Miller


Sue Jarvis Art That Makes You Think REVIEW