Featured Artist - Lucy Fekete

Painting While Waiting by Lucy Fekete is the current featured artwork on The Website Homepage and Facebook Page.

Lucy’s painting was awarded Highly Commended at the 111th MSWPS Annual Changing Perspective exhibition, judged by Amanda Hyatt.

The judge’s comment:

A huge statement painting and an excellent piece of graphic art. One can almost feel (from experience) the level of apprehension of what is to come. A combination of technical skill in its photo realism with a complete emotional outpouring. There is only a small reference to the fact that it was painted as a mirror reflection. The design element is good and the thin transparent layering of paint suits its modern feel. I hope the artist paints the ‘after the event’ picture!

Painting While Waiting – This painting captures the end of a very significant chapter in my life. At a glance it shows the end of my pregnancy. My first – successful – pregnancy.

Painting While Waiting


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A.M.E. Bale Travelling Scholarship