Featured Artist - Sylvia Isaac

That Night….Remember  is the current featured artwork on The Website Homepage and Facebook Page.

Sylvia’s painting was awarded Highly Commended at the 111th MSWPS Annual Changing Perspective exhibition, judged by Amanda Hyatt.
The judge’s comment:

It’s difficult to paint ‘night scenes’ obviously because of the lack of light. This painting captures both a sense of restricted light, mystery, intrigue (why is the bird bath important? It could have been a seat or a statue to create a similar effect) and a sense that something has gone on.

Did someone disappear stage left behind the bushes suddenly? Paintings usually work because they are ‘memorable’ and apart from the reduced and themed colour palette and the juxtaposing of different tonal values, the artist has captured a difficult ‘time of day’ painting. This is a good example of tonal Impressionism.


The Easter Bulletin - 2021


Featured Artist - Lucy Fekete