MSWPS Train Trip to Castlemaine 30 August 2019

On a glorious sunny winter’s day twelve MSWPS friends and spouses travelled to Castlemaine to view The Len Fox Prize Exhibition at Castlemaine Art Museum. Finalists presented a diverse range of paintings with statements referencing their connection with E. Phillips Fox. There were many people in the gallery and serendipitously CAM guides giving a guided tour.

When they realized that I was a Finalist they invited me to talk about my painting ‘In the Conservatory’. This was exciting and totally unexpected. We also enjoyed a delicious lunch at Figs. Many of us also made purchases at the local op shop and at Castlemaine Art Supplies. We all enjoyed this time together. MSWPS have been fortunate to have had two train trips this year as well as our Annual Bus Trip; travels that have given us time to leisurely chat and share. Jo Reitze


Discovered in a Tidy Up


President’s Report - November 2019