The Bulletin - Christmas 2019

As the 2019 committee is planning the Christmas Luncheon for Thursday 5 December; and 2020 MEMBERSHIPS are due this month as well:-

I notice how fast the year has gone bywhen you volunteer your time to help others. The MSWPS AGM will be held on Thursday 5 March 2020, pleaseconsider joining the 2020 committee at that meeting. Members normally come on committee as a CommitteeMember for the first year and then may wish to nominate for any of the executive positions.

Thank you to Joan Richard and Anne Finkelde for nominating me. It has been an honour to be President for the past two years and thanks to Jo Reitze for leaving the Bulletin with me for the past year.

Carmel O’Connor.

Read all the latest news here:

Bulletin - Christmas 2019


President’s Report - November 2019


Subscription renewal