Oak's Day Paint-Out at Kate Herd's Garden

Oak’s Day Paint-Out at Kate Herd’s Garden. View Street, Alphington

Members: Kate Herd, Silvia Isaac, Tessa Wallis, Marion Chapman, Jo Reitze, Louise Foletta and Carmel O’Connor with guests Bernice Lewis, Louise’s student Katherine Tolley and Jo’s students Rosa and Luca.

Australian Plein Air painting is a challenge which musters up the MSWPS serious painter to brave the elements with steely determination to produce an impression of a particular day or scene. Kate Herd’s Garden was our Oak’s Day motif as in previous years.

Kate Herd joined us for lunch; inviting us to sit around her dinning table which overlooks the magnificent garden with rare and wonderful plant specimens including a Xanthorrahoea which is over one hundred years old. As luck would have it we enjoyed meeting Kate’s gardeners James, Sophia and Lily who informed us about various plants.

Oaks Day was chilly this year but it was a perfect day for artists.

MSWPS 2019 PAINT OUT 7 Nov.19

Painting by Marion Chapman Title Kate Herd’s Garden. Gouache.

Marion Chapman Title Kate Herd’s Garden


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