Six MSWPS members exhibit in VAS Fellows Exhibition, 2022

The VAS Fellows Exhibition celebrates artists who have made significant contributions to the Victorian Artists Society.

Fellowship Awards are presented to exhibiting members of the Society for outstanding and/or significant achievement or contribution in the practice of art, or teachers, who are exhibiting members and have given long and continuous service to the Society.

MSWPS members Angela Abbott, Margaret Gurney, Annee Kelly, Barbara McManus, Jo Reitze and Raelene Sharp are included in this show.

The exhibition at The Victorian Artists Society Galleries, 430 Albert St East Melbourne, runs from 12 -23 May 2022

Thanks to Ron Smith OAM, for his photographs of each artist with their works.

Jo Reitze

See more of the exhibition here:


Threads of light by Karen Hopkins


ASV Newsletter - April 2022