Sue Jarvis Art That Makes You Think REVIEW

It has been quite some time since I have seen an exhibition of ‘realist’ paintings by an Australian contemporary that has left me in awe.

In the best possible way Sue Jarvis’s exhibition is awesome. Sixty-eight artworks spread throughout the foyer and gallery space of Cardinia Cultural Centre, showcase approximately fifteen years of studio production.

Several of these are like old friends that I have met before, where we continue a conversation on subject, design, colour and utter lushness.

Most I have never seen, therefore the layout of works in the gallery space was easy to navigate with subjects such as Modern Life and Recognition of Temporary grouped together.

I always look forward to seeing what Sue will enter in the MSWPS Annual Exhibition, I am never disappointed. Her subject choice is amazingly varied, and she commented that she is often surprised at what will take her attention.

No. 37 Deconstruction of the Grand Ballroom drew me into dialogue. I have seen this image again and again, year after year in the many times I was in China. My old studio looked like this in 2010, when it was demolished to make way for a new train station. My photographs, from that time, have been filed into history and painting no. 37 forced me to reminisce.

Congratulations Sue on an exhibition that made me go WOW!!


Beatrice Magalotti Migration Series REVIEW


Featured Artist - Margaret Picken