The Other Art Fair 2025

The Other Art Fair by Tessa Wallis, MSWPS President 2023-2024

Photography: Tessa Wallis and Louise Foletta

9 February 2025

Louise Foletta and Tessa Wallis enjoyed The Other Art Fair at its opening on 30 January. The Fair was professionally run by Saatchi Art with local, interstate and overseas artists represented. It was held in large sheds at The Timberyard, 51 Plummer St Port Melbourne and crowds of people, both young and old were queuing up for tickets. Security guards checked every bag and maintained a presence throughout the venue.

The weather was perfect -- sunny skies and no wind! It was an ideal evening to meet friends and share a casual meal. Delicious snack food and drinks were served from food trucks and bars and it was fun to chat with others who joined us at the rough wooden tables and chairs. Canned music added noisily to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Throngs of people walked the aisles between more than a hundred stands. Each stand cost thousands of dollars and exhibitors had to be in attendance at all times. A large variety of work was shown with paintings dominating. Only a few 3 D artworks were represented but excellent raku fired ceramics, brightly coloured acrylics, wire work and "burnt" figures (a comment on global warming) were highly visible. The art was well presented with lighting rigs strategically placed. The quality of the paintings was as varied as the subjects, but luminous paint and heavily textured applications were trending. Two dimensional paintwork was a feature of many of the artworks and each artist had a recognisable “thumb print”. There was embroidery, botanical art and bird studies alongside huge coloured canvases which communicated emotion rather than recognisable images.

As well as enjoying the art and the refreshments, there were two Stick ‘N Poke tattoo artists at work. Both were busy inking reclining people for all to see. Tee shirts printed on site at The Print Bar with Dangerous Females were available to order and purchase. Mysterious Al’s Rave Cave beckoned but Samantha Thompson’s dress ups were popular with everyone. Huge gathers of tuille and sparkling masks were excellent draw cards and added to the lively atmosphere. There was an enormous colouring board where anyone who wished could show off their colouring skills. Children loved it.

According to Wikipedia,

Saatchi Art Group is a Los Angeles-based e-commerce platform and online art gallery. Saatchi Art is an art platform that aims to help new artists enter the global art market. It is composed of the Saatchi Art online marketplace, The Other Art Fair and the group's Hospitality Art Advisory”.

Saatchi Art is a large operation requiring many security guards. Parking was difficult. Paid staff or volunteers took entrance fees and although many free tickets were offered, the strings attached via the mandatory terms and conditions were intrusive. Louise and I opted for half price tickets as a consequence. Profit was clearly the motivation for Saatchi Art and they do similar shows in major capital cities around the world.

There were some ideas which could benefit MSWPS annual exhibition, but MSWPS is in a different league to an international player like Saatchi Art.


Vale Susan O’Brien


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